提供:MEAL glossary
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World Federation for Medical Educationの訳で,デンマークに本部を置き,全世界の医学教育の連携を図っている学会.以下の地域オフィスが存在し,日本はAMEWPRの管轄にある.

AMSA: Association of Medical Schools in Africa
PAFAMS: Pan American Federation of Associations of Medical Schools
AMEEMR: Association for Medical Education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
AMEE : The Association for Medical Education in Europe
SEARAME: South East Asian Regional Association for Medical Education
AMEWPR : Association for Medical Education in the Western Pacific Region

ヨーロッパ域内での医師の流動化を反映し,医学教育国際基準(global standard)を策定しており,医学教育の標準化に一役買っている.